[Gloucs] BitFolk

Jon Fautley jfautley at redhat.com
Mon Jul 13 07:24:13 UTC 2009

On Sun, 12 Jul 2009 16:08:26 +0000
Brad Ackerman <brad at facefault.org> wrote:

> I was talking with someone at the last meeting about BitFolk -- who
> were you, and what's your VPS name?  Can't remember and think I'll
> finally get one set up.

I think that might have been me :)

VPS name is 'cashmere.dead.li' (posting to the list for the benefit of
anyone else that wants to sign up! - www.bitfolk.com :)



P.S This is my *personal* recommendation for Bitfolk (I know the guy
that runs it, and have had a couple of their VPS systems for a few
years now). It's nothing to do with my employer :)
Jon Fautley RHCE, RHCDS, RHCX, RHCA  email: jfautley at redhat.com
Senior Consultant                    cell :     +44 7841 558683
Global Professional Services
Red Hat UK, 200 Fowler Avenue, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 7JP
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