[Gloucs] Postscript fonts.

Peter Grandi pg_glolug at glolug.to.sabi.co.UK
Mon Jun 1 20:49:52 UTC 2009

geoff.bagley> I use Debian Lennie, which supports various
geoff.bagley> GV/kghostview postscript interpreters.

geoff.bagley> They seem to be restricted to two type faces.
geoff.bagley> Times-Roman  and  Helvetica.

geoff.bagley> Please can anyone point me to others for comparison ?
geoff.bagley> I would like a "bold" one if possible.

Recent versions of Ghostscript can use any PFA/PFB (Postscript)
or TTF (TrueType) font files. You should have several more than
just Times Roman and Helvetica, and these should com ein various
combinations of bold and italic too.

There are relatively few free fonts whether in Type1 or
TrueType, and Debian only has free packages. But among these you
can find the DejaVu, Liberation, Tyresias fonts, and the whole
set of Computer Modern fonts. These are available as packages
via 'apt-get' or Aptitude or Synaptic. The Microsoft core web
font package should also be available, and they are very high
quality fonts (hinting, some people question the design).

Otherwise you can purchase a disc or a download with a set of
good quality or cheapo fonts and install them using Debian's
DeFoMa package (which is somewhat complicated). If you get them
from a font cloner the cost can be fairly low (like the usual
$9.99 for 500 fonts of random quality, where however a number
usually are pretty decent).

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