[Gloucs] A topic for June

Osymandias nicholas.clarke at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 17:36:35 UTC 2009

I rewrote one of the scripts that Barbie presented last time, which I 
would be happy to present (though would be very short), but I can't make 
it to next week's event, sadly.


Glyn Davies wrote:
> By 'eck. These meetings seem to come around quick.
> Once again the next planned LUG meeting is upon us and I haven't 
> organised anything. I believe there was some enthusiasm for another cool 
> hacky scripts evening and I know Paul has a few scripts to show. Any one 
> else have a cool hacky script they are willing to talk about. Or any 
> other topic they would like to present in the free time available.
> For info, the meeting should be next Tuesday, the 16th.

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