[Gloucs] OfflineImap & Google Apps

Russell Hay russellh at ysmail.net
Mon May 11 12:35:52 UTC 2009

I've hosted my personal domain (that I'm using now) as a google hosted
domain (for free) for a number of years. You just need to be able to
configure your own DNS to point to Google.  IMAP works very well and as
google supports IMAP-IDLE, you can effectively get push email to mobile

In terms of transfer - you don't transfer the domain to Google, you just
update your DNS with new records in order to point all the traffic to



2009/5/7 <gloucs-request at mailman.lug.org.uk>

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 10:43:09 +0100
> From: "Andrew Oakley" <Andrew.Oakley at hesa.ac.uk>
> Subject: [Gloucs] OfflineImap & Google Apps
> To: "Gloucestershire LUG" <gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk>
> Message-ID:
>        <F5B7F5364CC3424A9FB8F22357985A17F2B0FA at exchange0.hesa.ac.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"
> Could anyone please express their opinions of the free basic service of
> Google Apps http://www.google.co.uk/a with regard to handling domain
> transfer, DNS, MX, SMTP and IMAP for personal domains?
> I want to simplify my current twist-turny maze of email forwarding, MX
> records, SMTP and IMAP servers. I want to have my personal domain
> registration/renewal, DNS, SMTP and IMAP all handled by one reliable
> company.
> I also want to sync IMAP with Gmail.
> I can see how to buy a domain with Google Apps, also I can see how to
> configure an existing domain with Google Apps whilst retaining the
> existing domain registrar. Can someone explain how I *transfer* (in the
> domain registrar sense) an existing domain to Google Apps?
> Then I'd like to use OfflineImap
> http://software.complete.org/software/wiki/offlineimap (as demonstrated
> at last month's meeting) on my home server for maildir speed across the
> LAN, and also use it on my netbook for disconnected access. Any comments
> on that idea?
> In particular:
> * Run offlineimap on the home LAN server
> * Run offlineimap on my netbook
> * When at home, use my netbook to sync with the home LAN server
> (mail->googleimap->homeofflineimap->netbookofflineimap)
> * When away, use my netbook to sync with Google IMAP server
> (mail->googleimap->netbookofflineimap)
> So the offlineimap on my netbook will need to seamlessly switch between
> syncing with my home offlineimap and Google's IMAP server.
> The reason for my desire to switch IMAP servers is that the upstream
> bandwidth from my home is slow (ADSL). Any other solutions?
> Andrew Oakley
> Head of Software Development
> Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
> 95 Promenade, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 1HZ
> T 01242 211460  F 01242 211122  W www.hesa.ac.uk
> <http://www.hesa.ac.uk/>
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