[Gloucs] Fwd: Re: KDE problems.

GEOFF BAGLEY geoff.bagley at btinternet.com
Sat Nov 28 13:23:15 UTC 2009

Hi Paul.

Was the previous KDE (from which you upgraded )  KDE3 ?

I have never tried Mandriva.  I did however run SüSE way back when it 
was version 6.5. (Poss AD2000 ?)  I changed to Debian when "Woody" came out.  All that time I used KDE.

When KDE4 landed on my machine I did not have the time or inclination to study it.  I had other priorities.

Could you please tell me, how would you, as someone who has used both, characterise the differences ?

I often use the KDE konsole as a CLI, and the "Desktop" as a parking place to keep track of current files.  I don't want it cluttered up with decorative junk.


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