[Gloucs] Computer forensics talk

Glyn Davies glynd at walmore.com
Sun Dec 5 22:09:12 UTC 2010

There was a lot of interest in a talk on computer forensics earlier
this year. I received the following regarding a talk this coming
Tuesday put on by the BCS. It's doesn't sound 'hands on with the
technology' but it may be of interest none the less. I hope to go.

I would like to invite you to the next event from the BCS Cheltenham &
Gloucestershire Branch programme. Light refreshments will be available
before the talk. These events are open to the public and are free of
charge. You do not need to book for the event: you can just turn up on
the door.

Tuesday 7 December 2010 at 7:15 pm
Forensic Computing as a Law Enforcement Tool
Stephen Clubbe, CCL-Forensics Ltd
It is intended to consider the current position of forensic computing
in the light of its recent history and the current economic climate,
with the object of attempting to determine who will be the
practitioners of the future and what they will be doing. Historically
a lot of analysts were ‘press ganged’ Law Enforcement officers but now
the field is filling with people who have studied the subject before
entering the profession.  It may be argued that forensic computing is
a synthesis of technology, law and investigation, not to mention
psychology.  Who will fit the bill to become a successful analyst for
Law Enforcement purposes?

Meetings Location: This event will take place at the University of
Gloucestershire, ‘Training Centre’ in Room TC103 (i.e. ‘Elwes
Building’, map http://www.chelt.bcs.org/venue.htm)

University of Gloucestershire,
Elwes Building, The Park, CHELTENHAM GL50 2QF
Tel: 01242 532 700

Best Regards
Glyn Davies

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