[Gloucs] FW: Anti-virus and spyware checking for windows clients?

Nik Wadge Nik.Wadge at orchardbs.com
Tue Jan 26 23:35:42 UTC 2010

Apologies for the confusing mail, was sent from my HTC mobile and the spell checker was working against me.

What I meant to say is don't remove anti-virus from your Windows PC even if you have a good firewall/email filter. Viruses can still get in as updates to virus defs can take up to 24 hours to arrive which leaves a good window of opportunity.
If however you more than 1 line of defence it's harder for a virus to get in and/or take effect.

The Yoggi and Pico stuff is a self-contained USB device with it's own memory and processor so it takes all that grunt away from your PC/laptop and lets it get on with what you want to do. All access to the device is through http: so it works on virtually any platform, sweet! Around £100 to £150 for the device and 12 months definition subscription.

As for Linux AV, I have also found BitDefender to be very good and simple to use.

Just my tuppence (Without spellchecking interference)


From: Nik Wadge
Sent: 25 January 2010 13:01
To: russellh at ysmail.net
Subject: Re: [Gloucs] Anti-virus and spyware checking for windows clients?

But don't remove available from windows....check out Yoggi gatekeeper or pico pro. Firewall and available in a Ian device, perfect for any id

Sent from my HTC
----- Reply message -----
From: "Russell Hay" <russellh at ysmail.net>
Date: Mon, Jan 25, 2010 12:10
Subject: [Gloucs] Anti-virus and spyware checking for windows clients?
To: "gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk" <gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk>
Hey all,

anyone got some guidance for anti-virus and spyware checking that I can
implement on my CentOS server, before the emails hit my windows client
PC's?  CLAM A/V springs to mind, but I've never implemented it before?

Is there any certainty that I could kill off local A/V and Spyware checkers
on the windows clients if I had a full suite on the email/web gateway, or am
I committed to having background processes running *everywhere* !??!

It just seems like I'm stuck on a processor and memory upgrade cycle for my
windows clients....

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