[Gloucs] ADSL speeds

John Kilgour wj.kilgour at btopenworld.com
Wed Mar 10 22:36:28 UTC 2010

Before I went away for a few days I regularly got a download speed of 5 Mbps 
and an upload speed of  440 Kbps. Real download speeds of Linux updates etc 
were around  400 KBps. At 2 Km from the exchange I found this very 
satisfactory.  While I was away I switched everything off.

On my return I switched everything on and got download speeds of ~ 40KBps i.e. 
about 10% of previously. A speed test using www.broadband.co.uk confirmed 
these numbers - download 400Kbps - upload 38Kbps.

The status page on the ADSL router (Linksys WAG160N) says downstream rate 5472 
Kbps and upstream rate 448 Kbps. This reflects the pre holiday performance.

Another computer in the house using XP gives the same results. Has anyone any 
ideas? Thanks in advance.

John Kilgour

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