[Gloucs] Web-mail.

David Leadbeater dgl at dgl.cx
Mon Nov 29 10:30:45 UTC 2010

On 29 Nov 2010, at 11:14, GEOFF BAGLEY wrote:
> I notice that sometimes I get a web server in the UK,  and sometimes in Germany.  Does this imply that my stored emails are divided between two countries,  some being stored in the UK, the others in Germany ?
> If I take too long entering an email, then the server times out.  When I get a reconnection, it may well be to the other country.
> Can anyone please point out the implications of this ?

If anything having your data in Germany is probably better than the UK; their privacy laws are stronger.

However the point is probably largely moot because as Yahoo are a US company you'll almost certainly have agreed to some terms of service that allow them to take your data outside the EU.


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