[Gloucs] Notebook install problems.

Paul Broadhead lug at twinmoons.org.uk
Fri Apr 29 12:01:09 UTC 2011


> I have had a whole range of malfunction.  It would be good to tie
> things down one at a time.  The biggest priority is to be sure that
> the USB stick is correctly prepared. Could you please let me know the
> preferred site from which to download, and any important settings I
> may have missed. I have prepared the stick by formatting it using the
> Disk Utility on my main machine.  I have tried ext3 and ext4.  One
> worry is that the main machine is 64 bit.  I do have a separate
> machine which is 32 bit. Then I used "startup disk creator". If you
> could offer any caveats so far, I will make a fresh start to get an
> "iso" onto the stick.

I've always just download the disk image (ISO) via the Ubuntu website.
I then use "startup disk creator".  The disk image is usually FAT but
the version of "startup disk creator" I'm using has an option to format
the disk before copying; I usually do that.  Once formatted, select the
ISO as the "Source disc image", and the created partition (/dev/sdb1 or
similar) as the "Disk to use". Make sure you select the partition not
the device otherwise the you will not be able to proceed.  You can
probably leave the reserved-space size at the default. When you are
ready, click the "Make Startup Disk" button at the bottom.

I've used 1GB usb sticks and above.  It does not matter on what desktop
(32/64 bit) you create the disk or the type of ISO (32/64 bit) you
create.  Any combination will work fine.

You can get ubuntu 10.10 .ISO images here:

For example, for a 32 bit 10.10 desktop use this:

Hope that helps.

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