[Gloucs] Perl Talks

Anthony Edward Cooper aecooper at coosoft.plus.com
Sun Jun 19 10:38:53 UTC 2011

    I propose the following list of topics for the Perl talks. I want 
these to be informal and, for me at least, hands on and me showing you 
stuff. We will go at a pace that people find comfortable and if 
something is clear to all we can skip onto the next section etc. The 
list below just gives a basic order and not what will be covered in any 
particular session.


1 Basic statements:
  Documentation, where to find stuff
  if/else/elif while do-while unless for foreach labels one liners

2 Variables:
  types (scalar, array, hash, ref, glob) my local our global variables

3 Subroutines:
  subroutines references to anonymous/lambda closures prototypes

4 Packages:
  whats in a package, namespaces, require vs use vs do, AUTOLOAD

5 Patterns
  REs extracting bits out of a string m// s//

6 Variables Revisited - Data Structures:
  arrays of arrays records arrays of records, autovivication

7 Manipulating Containers:
  array slicing exists() delete() hash slices grep() map() List::Util

8 OO Programming:
  How to construct a class, operators, inside-out objects



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