[Gloucs] Perl Talks

Anthony Edward Cooper aecooper at coosoft.plus.com
Mon Jun 20 17:30:02 UTC 2011

Hi Mathew,

That's entirely up to you, I won't be setting exercises! :-) It depends on
your learning style. If fiddling around trying things out as I go is best
for you (I'm quite happy to adjust the pace accordingly - within reason)
then great yes by all means. If sitting back and watching and then
downloading the stuff later and playing around with it is better for you
then there is no need.

I will be using Perl 5.10 but I will be showing you stuff that works on
Perl 5.8.8 and above (in English that means what I show will work on any
Perl in the last 6-7 years or may be longer). If you do bring your laptop
then it is worth making sure that you have not only the Perl interpretter
but also the documentation (pod files and man pages).

After each talk I will post a download like with the contents of my perl
dir for people to download.

Hope this helps,

> Do you advise we bring a laptop with a specific version of perl to
> help with the learning?
> Thanks
> Matthew Phillips
> phillips321 at gmail.com
> 07818233332 (+44)
> On 19 Jun 2011, at 11:26, Anthony Edward Cooper
> <aecooper at coosoft.plus.com> wrote:
>>   I propose the following list of topics for the Perl talks. I want
>> these to be informal and, for me at least, hands on and me showing you
>> stuff. We will go at a pace that people find comfortable and if
>> something is clear to all we can skip onto the next section etc. The
>> list below just gives a basic order and not what will be covered in
>> any particular session.
>> Topics:
>> 1 Basic statements:
>> Documentation, where to find stuff
>> if/else/elif while do-while unless for foreach labels one liners
>> 2 Variables:
>> types (scalar, array, hash, ref, glob) my local our global variables
>> 3 Subroutines:
>> subroutines references to anonymous/lambda closures prototypes
>> 4 Packages:
>> whats in a package, namespaces, require vs use vs do, AUTOLOAD
>> 5 Patterns
>> REs extracting bits out of a string m// s//
>> 6 Variables Revisited - Data Structures:
>> arrays of arrays records arrays of records, autovivication
>> 7 Manipulating Containers:
>> array slicing exists() delete() hash slices grep() map() List::Util
>> 8 OO Programming:
>> How to construct a class, operators, inside-out objects
>>   Cheers,
>>   Tony.
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