[Gloucs] Browsers.

Bob Henson robert.h.henson at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 11:56:53 UTC 2012

On 18/07/2012 12:36 PM, GEOFF BAGLEY wrote:
> I have been getting unexplained problems with iceweasel which do not
> occur when I change to epiphany.
> The Firefox clone apologises "Well this is embarrassing etc."  They say
> that it may have been caused by some
> unspecified web site.
> What do the group think of Chrome ?

Limited, compared to Firefox. If you have concerns about programs
reporting back large amounts of detail about where you are going and
what you are doing, Chrome is not for you. The new mobile Firefox works
well on my Android mobile. The message you got is usually provoked by
badly built websites - I've only seen it once in a long time of use.



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