[Herefordshire] Live CD Permissions

EdwardFW at aol.com EdwardFW at aol.com
Thu Mar 24 22:34:17 GMT 2005

The relationship between SUSE and my laptop started out well, but

So pending progress with the proper DVDs CDs and an FTP CD, I 
bought a live SUSE 9.2 KDE CD. This got me back to having something 
that works. 

I would like to look at files on the hard drive. In Konsole, I can use the 
command su

Any suggestions as to how I look at restricted files using Konqueror
please? In Konqueror, Ctrl + E gets me a command line, but su on it 
doesn't get me into the files I would like to open

If there's a lot to it, just point me in the right direction to read about it

Thanks, Edward FW

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