[Herts] Introduction

herts@mailman.lug.org.uk herts at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Oct 26 10:07:01 2002

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Well, here goes.
Guess I should introduce myself.

My name is James Ray, and I have been using linux/Unix, of some description=
around hrm, 5 or so years now. *starts to feel old*

Having just moved to Hatfield, to do Computer Science at the University here
I am trying to get involved in the Linux scene around the area. I have been
part of the Anglian LUG for a while as it is run by my brother (Mark Ray),
and also I 'sometimes' attend the London 2600 meetings (not very often I add
due to money and such likes).=20

I help administer several machines around the Internet, for 2 different
companies, either Red Hat or Debian based servers, and have done that for
about, 2 years now. I also do a bit of free lance programming in either C or
PHP, what a lovely mix. I also oper on a IRCNet server (BR @ ircnet.hinet.h=

My pride and joy has to be my Cobalt RaQ2, yes, I know thats a bit tragic.
After many hours of tinkering a playing I now having it running a nice new
copy of Debian and a decent kernel version. :)

Well, thats about it I guess, Hello to you all.

James 'BR' Ray

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