[Herts] Wednesday Asterisk

Tony Friis tony-lug at friis.co.uk
Sat Feb 11 01:18:27 GMT 2006

We had a good meeting on Wednesday. Tony (that's me) had prepared hard 
for the occasion, obtained a projector, which impressed the audience. 
They could all see what was going on. (except when Tony stood in the way).

The demonstration was set up with a PC running Asterisk, a laptop 
running xten with two connections, an extension to the asterisk box and 
a remote sip connection to the plusnet sip registered by Tony.

There were phones and speakers all over the room, Nicolas wanted a photo 
of the mains extension cables with 14 sockets in use, I don't know 
whether he got it.

The slides covered most of the Asterisk configuration in brief and the 
Dialplans extremely briefly, but a good overview was available with 
handy illuminations of VoIP, sip, IP telephones, Asterisk trunk lines 
and the failures apparent when the broadband connection goes down. The 
assistance of a second slide show from the Hants lug was also enlightening.

There were questions and discussion throughout, and the audience 
appeared to feel that understanding had been improved on this wide 
ranging subject. Some amusements were added by listening to a few of the 
sound messages available as part of the distribution - over 2000 in all. 
These ranged from the obligatory "Hello World"  to "There's nobody to 
answer your call at present; They're all recovering from a hangover" and 
"She's doesn't seem to be at her desk, the naughty girl".
---- Well, it sounds better with an American accent.

A good time was had by all, not to be missed.

(((( but see message - "rant" to follow ))))

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