[Herts] Warning - Very Off Topic: Learning Spanish

brigsy at fishermansfriends.com brigsy at fishermansfriends.com
Sun Jan 8 22:35:40 GMT 2006

Hi all
 I have not been to a lug meeting for some time, not at all in the
community centre.
Many apologies for this but i have other commitments.

However i do have every intention of making an appearance at the next one
on the 11th.

I have a cd or two "teaching yourself Spanish" which Nicolas is more
than welcome to.

Also i have been having a clear out of my old Linux software (many
flavours), seems a shame to bin it when it is still perfectly usable.
I will bring a bag along with me, please help yourselves.

I have noticed from time to time people offer computers and parts here,
I am breaking about 160 units Monday and Tuesday this week if anyone
wants anything please post before Wednesday and i will see what i can do.
The best of them would be Pentium 3, 1g, 256ram,i have some spare sound
cards and graphics cards/ network cards etc all old stuff dont expect
anything fancy.
Happy new Year to all


On 8/1/2006, "James Ronan" <james at ronanweb.co.uk> wrote:

>nicolas wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Firstly sorry this is so off topic.
>> I am very interested in starting to learn Spanish. Around the net there
>> are, unsurprisingly, a vast number of courses, recordings, tutorial
>> sites etc. Both free and expensive!
>> I just wondered if anyone had some good suggestions on how / where to
>> start?
>> Sorry again for being so off topic!
>> Regards
>> Nicolas
>Hi Nicolas,
>I'm interested in learning Spanish too so what ever you find let me know!!
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