[Herts] Good to see some activity on this LUG

David Precious davidp at preshweb.co.uk
Fri Feb 13 14:42:41 UTC 2009

On 02/13/2009 12:25 PM, Darren Reilly wrote:
> I just wanted to say that its really good to see a bit more action and
> activity on this LUG.
> It has been floundering about and been pretty much dead for ages, so let
> keep it up and try and get some projects on the go.

Actually, I'd say the LUG itself (meet-wise) hasn't been floundering too
much, but the mailing list has certainly been quiet.

It's nice to see life on the mailing list, and would be nice to keep it
going :)

Also, remember you can find some of us in the #hertslug channel on
FreeNode (irc://irc.freenode.net/hertslug if your system recognises
irc:// "links" appropriately).

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