[Herts] Audio distros, JACK - kinda a sideline but meh

David Honour thegoatee at tiscali.co.uk
Tue Jun 23 06:08:45 UTC 2009

Since I have a long summer this year I thought I'd try and make an
album, no idea if it'll work, but since I don't have windoze I should
find a decent amount out about linux music production.

If you want I can tell you what I find out as I go along.


On Sun, 21 Jun 2009 01:46:28 +0100
Malcolm Smith <lists at thesmith.org.uk> wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 04:58:39PM +0100, Steve Clark wrote:
> > 
> > I'm also interested in suggestions on a good distro to use for
> > audio work. There are a fair few out there. I want something that
> > is going to have things like a real time kernel and make it easy to
> > set up Jack.
> 64Studio is (IIUC) more stable than UbuntuStudio, and the new v3.0
> (out real soon now) is based on Ubuntu repositories. I've never tried
> PlanetCCRMA, etc. Other than that, Gentoo seems like a good option to
> keep up with the rapid development.
> http://linux-sound.org/
> > My main PC has some audio issues generally.
> qjackctl is a GUI to tune latencies, input/output configuration, etc.
> http://qjackctl.sourceforge.net/
> > I tried some multi-tracking in
> > Audacity yesterday and got terrible latency that put the tracks out
> > of sync.
> Yes, it's like trying to sing along with someone via a mobile
> phone :-)
> Cheers

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