[Herts] Recovering a faulty drive

Tony Friis tony-lug at friis.co.uk
Tue Jul 6 12:31:33 UTC 2010

If you need to recover the file system structure on the HD I've used the 
testdisk utility ( http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk ) on the 
System Rescue CD ( http://sysresccd.org ) and have successfully 
recovered both partitions and files.

Five years? should be good for double that. I've got some recycled ones 
at least that old. The ones from the 90's tend to be a bit small and slow!

On the other hand if it's taking a long time to boot, then it's probably 
having trouble initialising the HD, doesn't bode well.

Good luck


Steve Clark wrote:
> It looks like my old harddrive may finally have died. The PC wouldn't 
> boot and the drive is making some strange noises.
> Luckily I do have a backup from a couple of months ago and there's not 
> much  in the way of essential data on it, but I'd like to recover some 
> files if I can.
> I've booted up the PC with an Ubuntu CD, but I'm not sure on the best 
> way to proceed from there. I know Malc had something similar a while 
> back. Any tips?
> -- 
> Steve
> http://bagofspoons.net
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