[Herts] P SCALLY - Meeting: Herts LUG - TONIGHT - Thursday 8th September and rest of year etc.

Paul Scally p1sc1lly at fastmail.fm
Thu Sep 8 13:17:57 UTC 2011


I am going to my second BBC Prom concert tonight (went last night as

I paid my membership last month as I wanted to, for the next 2 months in
October and November I will be doing the Electoral Register Canvass of
non-responding properties after work etc. so am unlikely to attend any
LUG meetings.

May or not make the December meeting, so if I don't see you until 2012
have a good christmas etc..

Paul (Audio Gadgets)

----- Original message -----
From: "nicolas" <nicolas at jetblackjelly.com>
To: herts at mailman.lug.org.uk
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2011 09:54:15 +0100
Subject: [Herts] ** Meeting: Herts LUG - TONIGHT - Thursday 8th
September       2011 - Annual Membership Due

Next Meeting : Herts LUG - Thursday 8th September 8th 2011 
Time: 7:30 pm onwards.
Venue: Shephall Community Centre Shephall Green, Stevenage, Herts, SG2
Map: SG2 9XR


Talk - TBA

Annual membership is now finally (Over) due! Membership remains at the
rate of just L15 per person per year. 

0797 6504148

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Herts at mailman.lug.org.uk
  Paul Scally
  p1sc1lly at fastmail.fm

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