[Herts] Next Meeting : Herts LUG Christmas Curry - Thursday December 10th 2015

Nicolas Pike nicolas at jetblackjelly.com
Mon Dec 7 00:23:40 UTC 2015


*Next Meeting :* *Herts LUG Christmas Curry *- *Thursday December 10th 201*

*Time: 7:00 pm *

*The Chequers Pub - Stevenage Old Town*

*164 High Street, Stevenage, Herts SG1 3LL*

*The Chequers Stevenage Old Town

*** Quick drink here then on to the Mohan for a Curry ***

*Time: 8:00 pm*

*The Mohan Resturant * <http://www.themohantandoori.co.uk/default.aspx>

*Please email me if you are attending so I can book a table at the Mohan  *



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