[Infopoint] Press release - comments appreciated

Matthew Revell wolveslug at understated.co.uk
Tue May 25 21:55:14 BST 2004

David Goodwin wrote:

>>I've written a draft press release, that can be easily altered for use
>>by any Infopoint operator. You comments would be appreciated!
>I like it :) It's well written!
Cheers Dave :)

>Fancy sending the link to e.g. theinquirer/theregister etc when it's done?
I think we'd probably be better off writing a specific version for the 
tech press. The Register, tho', publish anything but grass roots Linux 
stuff, these days. The guy at The Inq seems quite cool, tho'. I'll send 
it to various places. Will post to this list first, tho'.

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