[Infopoint] InfoPoints at LUG Radio Live

Katherine Goodwin kat at codepoets.co.uk
Wed Apr 27 18:40:21 BST 2005

Jono Bacon wrote:

>>Seeing as LUG Radio first put the idea out there
>>(although there hasn't been a
>>lot of follow-up this season), it would be a good
>>opportunity to perhaps
>>recruit more people interested in running stands
>>around the country.
>I think an Inpopoint booth at LRL would be good for
>recruitment and encouraging people to run their own
>Infopoints. This could be a great opportunity to get
>more people involved in the project. :)

I volunteered to organise this bit, the idea being that we'd set up a 
sample infopoint, with contributions from other infopoint teams, as I 
know people do it in different ways.  The idea being to let people know 
whats involved in running them and try to recruit them :-)

I thought I'd posted about this, but apparently not... (maybe on the 
lugradio forums instead)


>  Jono
>Jono Bacon - http://www.jonobacon.org/
>Professional Writer / Web Developer / Musician
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