[Infopoint] Thanks - to British Computer Fairs (Bracknell)

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Sun Mar 12 19:57:08 GMT 2006

I have sent a thank you email to British Computer Fairs in 
appreciation of them kindly allocating a display table at the last 
three computer fairs in Bracknell on a charity (non trading) basis. I 
gather that such allocation depends upon an un-sold table being 
available. This is usually known towards the end of the preceding 
week. So far I have been fortunate.

The steady and continuing interest in the Infopoint information at the 
events convinces me that attenders gain significant benefit from 
Infopoint display and discussion. There is evidence that  some people 
are even now beginning to appreciate the regular presence as an 
anticipated resource.
alan cocks (Bracknell)

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