[Infopoint] Manchester Infopoint (was: Infopoint at Trentham Gardens)

Simon Ward simon at bleah.co.uk
Mon May 26 14:26:08 BST 2008

Note that we still need materials, and ideally not at the last minute
before the fair:

  * Leaflets
  * Posters

I’m prepared to get them printed, but only small amounts through work.
Maybe we should think about pooling costs for printing and other things?

  * CDs, labels, and sleeves/cases.

I can burn some CDs, though I’ll still need to get sleeves or cases.

  * Possibly a machine or two for live demonstrations.

I’ll have a laptop, which will be all I can reasonably carry on my
default mode of transport.  Assuming I remember the base containing the
DVD-R/CD-RW drive I’ll be able to burn CDs on demand too.

If anyone has any spare Kensington lock and cables, I wouldn’t mind
using them at the fair.

  * Transport

Hrm, maybe I’ll get a trailer for my bike at some point. ☺

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall
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