[IOML] IoM LUG Get Together

Dylan Smith dyls at dylansmith.co.im
Sat Mar 29 08:06:01 2003

Greetings all,

I hope that those of you who were doing an admirable impression of bzip2
compression on pints of beer are feeling OK this morning (you know who you
are <g>)

I must admit I got a good laugh out of JohnM's 'mental image' of what I'd
look like. I will _never_ look like RMS or Alan Cox, thanyouverymuch :-)

Dylan Smith, Castletown, Isle of Man      | Code fast, crash young and
Flying: http://www.dylansmith.net         | leave a beautiful core.
FFE/Elite Universe: http://www.alioth.net |             -- JK (#afe)