[IoMLUG] Beer, Linux and Walking - Cumbria

Dan mr.dan.wood at gmail.com
Tue Jun 25 10:58:38 UTC 2024

Hello all.

Please see the below from David regarding an upcoming event across the
water that may be of interest.


This years Linux Bier Wanderung event will be at

https://www.watermillockvillagehall.co.uk/ on Lake Ullswater near
Penrith in Cumbria.

our event website  is https://lbw.crye.me.uk/

Would any of you like to join us during the event week ?

Tuesday 6th will be our Tech "Show and Tell" evening. Linux and anything

Other Tech discussions can be ad-hoc during the week.

We also have Wanderung = Hiking/walking activities and some like to
sample Bier = Beer.

This is a one-off event at Lake Ullswater as LBW moves to a
different country with different location each year. The hire of the
hall is paid for by donations of those who attend with aim money
break-even. Includes Wifi in hall . Includes adjoining camping field.

I am writing to your groups as they look to be in reasonable travel
distance of Cumbria.

Please forward this Email to anyone you think would like to join us.
I attach a poster in case you think of anyone who might want to come or
have a premises.

More info of this Linux computing community across Europe which started
https://linuxbierwanderung.com/ past.html
last year 2023 in Czech at https://lbwharrachov.numo.info/

Yours sincerely,

David Crye, Lead Organiser LBW2024,

Debian 3-11 user, x86 and amd64. Also a couple of Raspberry Pis using

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