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Enquiries enquiries at thedumbterminal.co.uk
Mon Dec 13 19:55:18 GMT 2004

On Monday 13 December 2004 18:10, Peter wrote:
> Thanks for your help everyone. I understood at least 50% of it all but
> it all sounded helpful.
> The camera is fine. It boiled down to having written dev/sda in the
> fstab file instead of dev/sda1 (that was a bit I did understand).
> 1 down - two to go
> Again, thanks for your help,
> Peter.
> Karl Lattimer wrote:
> >Your camera sounds like usb-storage, on FC1/2/3 this is a module as is
> >vfat so you should just have to do a
> >
> >modprobe usb-storage and then try and figure out where the device is. I
> >find my usb-storage devices on sda1 upto 4 normally. Then try and mount
> >the device ala;
> >
> >mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/camera
> >
> >You should be aware that with udev (FC3, which is much easier) you now
> >only see what you actually have on your system in /dev/ (which is nice).
> >
> >Mozilla should be fixable by installing the j2re rpm and mozilla-j2re (i
> >can't remember off the top of my head the exact names, but they are
> >available from dag wieers apt/yum repository, search google!)
> >
> >As far as your printer goes, you should remember to restart CUPS and
> >turn the printer on (even if it is auto power on).
> >
> >Hope this helps.
> >Karl,
> >
> >On Sun, 2004-12-12 at 17:39 +0000, Peter wrote:
> >>Hi Kevin,
> >>
> >>Thanks for getting back to me.
> >>
> >>    1 Printer - Yes, I'm using CUPS.
> >>
> >>    3 Camera - It's a Vivitar 3815 Vivicam. I assume it's pretty
> >>    standard because it doesn't need drivers for anything above Windows
> >>    98. I also spoke to their technical department. They don't deal with
> >>    Linux but didn't think there should be problems.
> >>
> >>Regards, Peter.
> >>
> >>Kevin Groves wrote:
> >>>>    1 Printer.
> >>>>    I have a Lexmark Z13 printer (USB). Linux says it's properly
> >>>>    installed but when I send something to be printed I get a message
> >>>>    saying it was successful but the printer stays inactive.
> >>>
> >>>Are you using CUPS?
> >>>
> >>>>    2 Mozilla
> >>>>    I've successfully installed Java onto my machine but I cannot get
> >>>>    Mozilla to recognise the Java plug-ins.
> >>>
> >>>I've noticed this but not got around to fixing mine. I think it's
> >>>probably a library path or ownership kind of things. Most Linux
> >>>problems come down to that. ;-)
> >>>
> >>>>    3 Digital Camera.
> >>>>    When I mount the camera I'm told Linux does not recognise the file
> >>>>    system.
> >>>
> >>>USB? What model?
> >>>
> >>>Kev,
> >>>l
> >>>
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try http://www.linuxprinting.org you should be able to find the exact driver 
for your printer, or at least something similar. Put this driver into cups 
and your away!

As for mozilla with java, this should work:

1) install java as usual (rpm, source, etc...), mine is installed 
in: /usr/lib/java/

2) change to /usr/lib/java/jre/plugin/i386/

3) then you should have a choice of browser versions, i use "ns7" with my 
mozilla 1.7.3.
change into correct directory for your browser.

4) if you want to install the plugin systemwide then copy the file 
"libjavaplugin_oji.so" into your <browser installation path>/plugins/ 
directory. if you want to install it for one user only then copy the same 
file to ~/.mozilla/plugins/ instead.

5) restart mozilla and use "help" -> "about plug-ins" to view if the plugin is 
working ok


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