[Klug-general] Email fiddling

Laurence Southon laurence at southon.uk.net
Sat Mar 5 14:37:39 GMT 2005

Michael E. Rentell wrote:
> G'day all,
> I wonder if I'm the oldest member of the group. Maybe this query will
> prove creeping idiocy but nothing ventured nothing gained.
> To while away my retirement and to avoid the frozen garden I thought I
> would attempt to get email using the hostname allocated to me by
> ntlworld.com (yeah I know, no php, no cgi-bin but it is fast and
> reliablish).
> When I switch on my desktop PC under Mandrake 10.1 the default hostname
> I see on the command line is mick at pc1-folk1-3-0-cust113.ntlworld.com
> That intrigued me so from my standard email setup (this one) I sent
> myself an email using that address. It certainly popped off OK and
> hasn't bounced but I don't know where it has gone. Possibly ntl have
> directed it to the null box. It hasn't come back down the POP3 connection.
> Now to the question. Does anyone know if it be possible to set up
> fetchmail to find that email? I've loaded fetchmail and fetchmailconf
> and set up just that hostname and user mick but when I activate it as
> root I am informed that fetchmail can't find its cannonical DNS name.
> Is that it? Idea dead? It was just something to keep me sane these
> chilly days. I've learned to hack Linux over the past 4 years simply by
> playing like this. All part of life's rich experiences.
> Regards to all, stay safe on the ice.


For that mail to get delivered there needs to be an MX record for the 
"pc1-folk1-3-0-cust113.ntlworld.com" domain. There is no MX record, 
check here to see:-


I can only guess that this hostname is one NTL uses for its own purposes?

Surprised it did not bounce, how were you sending? relaying via NTL or 
your own MTA?

Not sure if you are the oldest here, though the way pensions are going 
being retired will soon be no reliable indicator of age. I fear I belong 
to the "work until you drop" generation!


Laurence Southon

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