[Klug-general] Old(ish) but useful PC

Athon Solo athon at athon.me.uk
Mon Oct 3 23:09:19 BST 2005

For those that missed it there's some images up at 
http://www.jstott.me.uk/ (this is a guy who goes to Kent Uni and seems 
to be really into the weather - he has a weather station in his back 
garden or something (we have a bot on irc for people to query if they're 
too lazy to look out the window!))


Karl Lattimer wrote:
> Thanks for bringing the eclipse to my attention, just for everyone else.
> If you want to see it you must protect your eyes, I looked through the
> platter of a floppy disk which gives a good quality picture of the
> event.
> Regards,
>  Karl
> On Mon, 2005-10-03 at 10:01 +0100, Michael E. Rentell wrote:
>>Just taking a few moments out from observing the eclipse to offer a PC 
>>to any charity that would like it.
>>It is a Pentium with useful memory and disk space loaded with Linux (I 
>>think Fedora Core 4 - but it might be Mandrake 10.)
>>No screen, no keyboard, no mouse, but a useful systems box if a charity 
>>can use it. To be honest it is cluttering up my second bedroom and I 
>>could be doing with its removal but scrapping it seems a waste.
>>Let me know and we can negotiate about it and its delivery.
>>Mike Rentell
>>in Folkestone.

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