[Klug-general] You know its a bad day when...

Karl Lattimer karl at qdh.org.uk
Wed Dec 20 10:07:42 GMT 2006

On Wed, 2006-12-20 at 10:05 +0000, alex at asmhosting.com wrote:
> >> Quoting Karl Lattimer <karl at qdh.org.uk>:
> >> 
> >>> 
> >>>>> And Kitkats are made from ground up ethiopian children.
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> Nestle should be slapped, hard.
> >>> 
> >>>>Yeah nestle are bad, and we all know they're evil. But who'd have
> >>>>thought that Disney were evil?!
> >>>
> >>
> >> I thought everyone knew that Disney were evil!
> >
> >Nah children still think they're not. My illusions were shattered some
> >years ago, when I found out Britney Spears debuted on the disney
> >channel.
> >
> >Oh dear oh dear.
> o.O.... certainly lightened up my morning with a few chuckles this thread.

I'm glad the evil in the world amuses you, it just scares me.


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