[Klug-general] Tux Magazine & CDRs

Karl Lattimer karl at nncc.info
Mon May 15 23:00:23 BST 2006

> With regards to the talk itself, I'm currently at the stage of picking
> exactly what's going to go into it. I want to cover enough to get people
> hooked and dispel myths they may have heard (no hardware support, can't
> run anything useful on the desktop, can't do gaming), but not cover so
> much I give them an information overload, not to mention make the talk
> boring and un-enjoyable.

Sounds like an interesting talk, is it free to attend? What is the

I have a box which is pretty dolled up, has a fast graphics card and
runs Xgl if you'd like me to bring it along I'd be happy to glitz
(geddit) up your demonstrations.

With regard to the burning situation, my mate has a duplicator, takes
about 2mins per disc and we also have a cd printer sitting at the
office, this is a time consuming process however and the ribbon cost is
pretty high, he goes through about a ribbon per 20-30 discs and each one
costs about 20£ so its not exactly cheap. Avery style will probably be
the best and cheapest way of printing as you can run them off enmasse
from an ordinary printer and apply them. The applicators work well so I
wouldn't worry about it being a loss, like a skip doctor it always comes
in handy.


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