[Klug-general] sit0: unknown hardware address type 776

George Prowse cokehabit at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 00:51:36 BST 2006

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to install PlutoHome ( http://www.plutohome.com/ )and, being 
> a gentoo user, am having some issues with the Debian layout.
> The DHCP server is not issuing leases despite the fact that the 
> interface is up and the server is listening to the correct interface.
> I have been led to believe through numerous google searches that this 
> error is to do with IPv6 being enabled, can any one tell me how to turn 
> off IPv6 for all my interfaces and network programs within Debian?
> Cheers,
> Matt

I'm not sure you can. The best way would be to take it out of your kernel.


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