[Klug-general] Mandriva updates
margot at lawrence1961.f9.co.uk
Fri Sep 8 16:10:13 BST 2006
Michael. E. Rentell wrote:
> Thank you for that info Margot. I was unaware of that site. Most useful.
> This morning I woke up and remembered to put my thinking head on. Hence
> I remembered that my laptop computer hosts Mandriva 2006 so I fired that
> up and checked which update site that was pointing at. It was
> ftp://anorien.csc.warwick.ac.uk/Mandriva/official/updates/2006.0/main_updates
> And that is subtly different from what was on my desktop computer (2005LE).
> I pasted that 2006 address into the updates page and it worked fine.
> Dozens of security and bugfix updates.
> Shoulda thoughta that first, before pestering the group.
> But many thanks for the thought of support.
> MikeR
> in Folkestone
I'm not surprised there were dozens of updates - that source is for
Mandriva 2006, and you were running 2005LE, so you are now running a
hybrid of 2006 and 2005LE, so some things might not work properly.
I suggest you go into MCC and delete all the sources for 2005LE, and
then go to http://mandrivausers.org/easyurpmi/ and get a complete
set of urpmi sources for 2006, then from a root terminal do
urpmi.update -caf && urpmi --auto-select
That will fully upgrade you to 2006.
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Registered Linux User 307617 http://counter.li.org
Mandriva Linux release 2006.0 (Community) for i586 kernel 2.6.12-15mdk
Work is of two kinds: first, altering the position of matter at or
near the earth's surface relative to other matter; second, telling
other people to do so.
-- Bertrand Russell
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