[Klug-general] fedora/centos/redhat etc
Colin McCarthy
binarysignal at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 23:38:17 BST 2007
If you are going to the Dover meeting at the end of the month I can bring
along my Linux Mag DVD's I am sure some recent ones have those distros. I
can check.
On 4/13/07, George Prowse <cokehabit at gmail.com> wrote:
> Can someone bring a dvd or cds of fedora, centos or RHEL because i'd
> like to try them but haven't got any blank dvds and i can't be bothered
> to download 6 cds. If possible i'd like the testing/unstable versions.
> I have tried Suse and didn't like it much so if you want to bring that
> dont bother.
> Thanks,
> George
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