[Klug-general] Methods of Gaining Linux Skills to Work in Industry

Keith Edmunds keith at midnighthax.com
Tue Jan 23 20:17:51 GMT 2007

On Tue, 23 Jan 2007 16:41:14 +0000
J D Freeman <klug at quixotic.org.uk> wrote:

> Do you fully understand what you are letting yourself in for?

I'm not sure why you're beating Ben up. I sent him a reply (offlist)
because I respected his honesty and his desire to succeed. As he has
set his heart on a particular job (whether it's working in a Linux role
or some other job), I don't think the questions you pose are very
helpful or supportive, unless you follow them up with some points for
him to consider. As for "Are you really good", how is he supposed to
answer that? Say 'yes' and he appears arrogant; say 'no' and the
obvious response is 'so why should anyone employ you?'.

In a world where too many school leavers are semi-literate people who
think the world owes them a living, I think Ben's ambition, honesty and
well-worded question deserves more respect.


Keith Edmunds

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