[Klug-general] March Dover Meeting Synopsis

Colin McCarthy binarysignal at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 20:59:30 BST 2008

Here is a brief synopsis of Saturdays meeting for those unable to attend.

Attended by;
Kevin, Dan, Dan, Mike, Paul, Rich, Blake, Colin and Mark.

This was our third meeting at the Triangles Community center in Dover and
saw two members come, Blake and Rich, and Mark a long time mailing list and
IRC member de-lurk and attend. We have had new members or people de-lurk at
each meeting so far and I hope continues.

Dan (MonsueirLeDan on IRC) gave a good talk about being a 'Digital Nomad'
and highlighted some good web services to use to store all your information
online and reminder sites to keep you organised. To be a 'Digital Nomad' you
need wireless access and he explained about WEP and WPA security and how to
crack WEP security in theory. Unfortunately 'BackTrac'
http://www.remote-exploit.org/backtrack.html was playing up on the eeePC and
Dan was not able to complete his task of breaking into Mike's Access Point.
Will we ever know Mike's WEP key?

Colin then gave a talk and overview of Online Backup Solutions, which
greatly helps anyone to be a 'Digital Nomad'. There are lots of Windows
centric backup solutions and only a few Linux ones, The best one in his
opinion was from www.spideroak.com because of it's very simple GUI and auto
synchronisation of backed up files. It is also a simple .DEB install. It
offers 2GB of free storage then reasonable costs for more.

The presentation files will be available on the KLUG website at some point

I know people took some good notes during the meeting so please add any
points I missed and the URL's of the web services mentioned.

I wrote this partly in the third person, because I will post the synopsis on
the website once people have added comments to it.

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