[Klug-general] Free as in beer
George Prowse
george.prowse at gmail.com
Sat Sep 20 15:53:54 UTC 2008
J D Freeman wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I know from the irc channel and from conversations in real life, that
> there are a number of klug members who dabble to varying degrees of
> success in the mystical art of home brew. Whilst Mike and I attempted
> this and produced a highly effective paint stripper (either my maths is
> screwed it it was 130% by volume).
> So my thought for a klug meet was abit of a team work. Those who are
> interested, get together with those who know how, to produce some Klug
> home brew. This, if we time it right would be ready in perfect timing
> for a klug christmas party (aka, part B of plan).
> We would need one or more willing people with knowledge and
> understanding of making good home brew, who would be willing to help a
> team of useful and eager minions (the rest of us). Do we have any such
> willing volunteers?
> I am guessing we would also need some kit, and a venue with cooking
> facilities. The first I think we could peice together from various
> peoples brew kits (I can offer a ferment bin and 4 dozen bottles),
> Others I hope could provide what ever else is needed.
> Oh and some ingredients, but not being an expert on this, I don't know
> enough to say what we need, or where to get it.
> As you can see this is very much a still on the drawing board idea, but
> I think with abit of work within the group, we could be the first LUG to
> produce our own beer! Or atleast have fun trying!
> Thoughts?
> J
Can we do this perched on the back of spode's bike?
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