[Klug-general] London drink on Saturday July 11th
Karl Buckland
karl at digital-end.com
Sat Apr 25 13:43:16 UTC 2009
Sounds good. I've added it to my calendar.
On 19/04/2009, Colin McCarthy <binarysignal at gmail.com> wrote:
> Way back in October 2008 some KLUGGERS meet in London after the Linux Expo
> for a drink.
> It was a great evening at 'The Wellington' near Waterloo Station.
> It was such a good evening that some of us thought we should do it again,
> so
> we are planning on meeting in London on Saturday 11th July.
> Details of the pub are here
> http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/s/21/213/Wellington/Waterloo
> and a picture here
> http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=81-83+Waterloo+Rd,+london&sll=51.503714,-0.111698&sspn=0.00209,0.014366&ie=UTF8&ll=51.503721,-0.111709&spn=0.008388,0.041156&z=15&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=51.503712,-0.111698&panoid=b_DAd882zao9OALMj65-sw&cbp=11,82.67196524192539,,0,5
> The atmosphere inside is really nice, along with the food and good quality
> Ale.
> So if you are interested in going, please reserve the date in your diary,
> we'll probably meet between 6-7pm, details will be finalized closer to the
> time.
> Colin
> (A reason to meet in London for a social event is almost everyone from Kent
> can get home from London, unlike trying to return home from Maidstone for
> example)
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