[Klug-general] kentlug.org down?

J D Freeman klug at quixotic.org.uk
Mon Dec 14 12:01:28 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 11:52:27AM +0000, Jake Subs wrote:
> I can't seem to access kentlug.org -- is this internet-wide or just me
> out in the sticks?

The new drupal site that was unveiled at the last meeting is quite simply,
hammering hte hell out of the machine. Meaning that the number of apache
processes has had to be cut down dramatically so it can actually fit in
the amount of ram the box has (128 meg). The result being that there
aren't enough processes to serve all the requests. What is more, each
request takes an age to process anyway, which just exacibates things

I will see about doubling the memory the vm has (no promises). But in the
mean time it might be an idea to seriously think about is drupal really
necessary, or would something based around lighttpd and server side
includes, be enough to provide the functions we need. Ultimately the site
isn't that complex. There is also very little need for each page to be
generated dynamically on each hit, so it might make more sense to generate
the static pages. It is open for discussion. 

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