[Klug-general] kentlug.org down?
Peter Childs
peterachilds at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 19:33:53 UTC 2009
2009/12/14 Karl Buckland <karl at digital-end.com>:
> Yes, both MySQL and PHP use more memory than they probably should, but
> then it's not like memory is particularly expensive? PHP allows rapid
> development of software, which usually runs pretty fast, but there is
> a memory overhead for that. Dan: Is some PHP caching software
> installed, like APC Cache?
> Having developed and administered PHP/MySQL/Postgres websites, I
> personally prefer MySQL over postgres. Not only is MySQL faster, but
> Postgres is not as well documented, takes more configuration and seems
> to leave more things to the developer that I would expect to 'just
> work'. Perhaps if you're happy to learn about the shifting internals
> of Postgres you can get a better result than MySQL, but that doesn't
> make it the easier tool to develop with.
I have never yet seen any MySQL docs that I understand and say more
cross your things and hope for the best.....
> As for losing data with MySQL - that's never happened to me either and
> is something people seem to throw around from their experiences of
> MySQL from 5+ years ago? Besides - you do back up, right?
No I've used MySQL a couple of times in the last 6 months more due to
not having a choice, each time I've ended up with either a corrupt
database or a database without the data I thought I had put into it.
The only MySQL database I have that has not died is administrated by a
web host provider....
(Oh and usually no idea how to fix it) (On the otherhand I use
PostgreSQL all the time and have never had any problems.
> Karl
> 2009/12/14 J D Freeman <klug at quixotic.org.uk>:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 01:47:12PM +0000, Peter Childs wrote:
>>> Did I not remember you saying at a meeting ages ago, to avoid MySql if
>>> at all possible as it was a memory hog and to use PostgreSQL if
>>> possible? Or maybe a was dreaming (it was a while ago now)
>> I said to avoid mysql if atall possible. I also said it was a memory hog.
>> The relationship of the two statements (do one because of the other), was
>> not mentioned. Personally I would have used postgres, or none atall, but I
>> didn't setup the drupal setup.
>>> Anyway I would never trust any data to MySQL because I can be sure of
>>> losing it sooner or later. (I say I can because I'm sure it must work
>>> fine for someone else who I'm not sure)
>> There are many fine reasons for avoiding mysql, many. I personally avoid
>> it at all possible opportunities, I don't like it's attemps at clustering.
>> Ultimately, by far the most important thing, the fluffy elephant mascot
>> of postgres is so damn cute :p
>> J
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