[Klug-general] ISPs

Twigathy twigathy at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 14:01:18 UTC 2009

Yup, I'm running bind9 on my server... it's nice having 10-20ms
lookups for things ;)


2009/7/30 Peter Childs <peterachilds at gmail.com>:
> 2009/7/30 Twigathy <twigathy at gmail.com>:
>> Eclipse are okay.... I used to be with them. They cap downloads and
>> uploads though, which isn't so nice. However, they do offer a routed
>> subnet if you want multiple IP addresses on your network!
>> Currently I'm with be (bethere.co.uk I think, [warning, eyebleedingly
>> terrible site-redesign]) on a 3 month(?) rolling contract. They are
>> very quick, but have had routing problems in the past and also they
>> have possibly the slowest DNS servers on the planet. OpenDNS (yuck) or
>> some other DNS server is a good idea when on be.
>> T
>> 2009/7/30 rich-ayres at tiscali.co.uk <rich-ayres at tiscali.co.uk>:
>>> Hi All,
>>>       Since the takeover of tiscali by one2one I have noticed a
>>> marked deterioration in service.
>>> Thought about virgin  but one of their providers is tiscali and they
>>> remained silent when I queried this Can Anybody recommend a good cheap
>>> broadband provider Unlimited Slow download for preference. A Web search
>>> came up with "Eclipse" which I have never heard of but seemed to fit my
>>> requirements. Any body had any dealings with them?
>>>          All suggestions  gratefully received
>>>                                                Rich
> DNS hmm You could always run you own, If you really want quick.
> nothing easier just install Bind. It should just work (tm) unless you
> want DNS round your own Subnet (which will take a bit more setup :)
> Peter
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