[Klug-general] Sat 28th Meeting in Maidstone

J Subs subs at firebox.nu
Mon Mar 30 08:40:23 UTC 2009

Hi People,

Thanks very much for my de-lurking at the meeting on Saturday, good to 
meet you all (well, some of you!) and thanks to Colin, Dan and Paul for 
their presentations.

For those that are interested, here's my 'talk', in outline format:

FOSS centre & investment
1. Digital Arts Project
2. FOSS centre
3. FOSS investment

My background is in graphic and web design, I used to teach at the 
University West of England and I've been freelancing over the past 7 
years, teaching web and FOSS topics on the side.

There are 3 I's which act as a barrier to the takeup of FOSS:
1. Inertia -- it's a lot of effort to change systems, at any level
2. Ignorance -- people just don't know about FOSS
3. Indifference -- people just don't care, and why should they?

IMHO, the inertia can be best tackled by focussing on *new* users and 
markets, people who don't have established practises. Ignorance can be 
overcome by education and promotion, indifference by creating 
substantially better alternatives.

1. Digital Arts Project
I'd like to get back into teaching, and rather than be subject to the 
bureaucratic processes of higher education, I'd like to set up a Digital 
Arts Project, replete with its own bureaucracy ;)

It would initially focus on graphic design and web building (as this is 
what I know), and then expand into music.

I'd like to find out more about funding for such a project -- I've had a 
quick look at the European Social Fund and Learning & Skills Council and 
I was wondering if anyone knew of other potential leads.

2. FOSS centre
I believe that FOSS software in the field of graphics (and 
unquestionably in web build/dev) has reached a maturity so that it's 
comparable to proprietary software for 95% of tasks for 95% of users. 
The primary software in this field is GIMP, Inkscape and Scribus.

I also believe that the Free Open Source Software model of sharing, 
cooperation and involvement should be championed, so my aim is for the 
Digital Arts Project to solely run FOSS applications.

As a corollary, I'd like the Project to act as a FOSS friendly space, 
where FOSS projects have a focal space in which to meet.

3. FOSS investment
Martin Dupras, an ex-colleague from UWE, proposed a system via which 
public institutions could invest in FOSS. It would:
a) Be cheaper
b) Involve local tech support
c) Provide a mechanism for feature requests

Institutions who use the system would need to be matched with 
individuals for tech support, and it would probably help a great deal if 
there was some sort of accreditation for specific applications. Does 
anybody know about the process for accreditation in education/training?


Hope this is of interest.

all the best, Jake

Colin McCarthy wrote:
> 2009/3/25 J Subs <subs at firebox.nu <mailto:subs at firebox.nu>>
>     I actually have some ideas I'd like to run past people about a "FLOSS
>     regional training centre", scribbled down on the back of an envelope, so
>     could give a short 'talk' about that? Also some ideas about FLOSS in
>     education.
> I am sure others will be very interested in that. People have mentioned 
> LPI in the past and I know Wayne was interested in a study group and 
> also James Snyder is interested in LPI.
> Look forward to meeting you and hearing your views on FLOSS Training and 
> more importantly FLOSS in education!  Especially good as we are meeting 
> in a school.  (James will be kicking himself for not being able to 
> attend now)
> Colin
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