[Klug-general] slightly off topic?
Peter Childs
peterachilds at gmail.com
Sat May 9 20:33:08 UTC 2009
2009/5/9 Colin McCarthy <binarysignal at gmail.com>:
> 2009/5/9 Karl Lattimer <karl at qdh.org.uk>
>> P.S. I don't mean to sound like I'm anti open source, far from it
>> obviously... However I would like to remind people that not everything
>> has to be open source, and sometimes free as in beer is fine.
> I strongly agree!
> Some people go overboard sometimes with the Open Source love to spite their
> own nose.
> That's why I love Skype, for example, it's free as in beer and works. Most
> importantly works on everything, including my phone.
> Colin
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Hmm I don't think you meant that.
Skype is Free as in No Cost, Not Free as in Beer which generally means
your free to make it and we will the recipe is freely available,
However you will be charged for any materials, distribution costs. If
you use Skype to make calls to other phones you still have to may for
them, and You certainly can't use skype to make your own version,
Same as Google Maps really, Its free to use but your tied about things
you can do with it and we will not show you are base data or how we
use it.
Old Story. Free != Open.
There are bounds where I can charge you for Linux...
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