[Klug-general] Belkin Switch2 problems

Kevin Groves kgroves at ksoft-electrical-projects.co.uk
Fri Feb 19 08:42:15 UTC 2010


Yes this is a common fault/issue on most KVM if you are using a USB
mouse even more so if you have a USB to PS2 converter. I think it's due
to how the USB to PS2 is wired, the electrical signals used to indicate
it's (non)presence/power are not the same as a pure PS2 mouse. There is
little you can do, perhaps remote use or buy a USB KVM?? I use a PS2
mouse and no converter.


On 18/02/10 12:20, Michael E. Rentell wrote:
> G'day all,
> And now to something completely different.... (oh good!)
> A colleague has been asking my advice about a Linux problem but it is 
> beyond my limited experience. So he has written out the detail which 
> appears below:
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Further to our phone chats, as you know I have now got a Belkin
> Switch2 that allows me to use two computers with one screen, one
> keyboard and one mouse. However, there are two irritating problems
> with it and I wonder if you could kindly ask your Linux advisers if
> they might have a solution?
> Firstly, I have two computers - a) runs PCLinuxOS 2009.2 and b) runs
> Windows XP. The problem is that when I first switch on either computer
> at the start of a day, the two amber lights on the Belkin Switch2 come
> on and the screen lights up and then proceeds to show that it is
> loading as normal. But the mouse - which has a light in it - stays
> dark and when the installation is complete the cursor will not move
> and no keystrokes appear to be recognised. At this point, if I pull
> out the relevant USB where it enters the computer from the Belkin
> Switch and wait a few seconds, all the lights go out and screen goes
> dark. But, as soon as I plug the line back in everything lights up and
> everything immediately works perfectly. I then proceed to start the
> second computer which invariably works perfectly as soon as it comes
> on. Is this normal for the Switch2 or is their someway of getting
> Linux to go look for the mouse etc., earlier in the set up process?
> The second problem may be related. It occurs after I have been using
> both computers and switching happily back and forth for a while.
> Suddenly the Linux machine will not recognise  the mouse. It sulks and
> will not respond at all so all I can do is shut it down by hitting the
> on/off switch. The only factor that seems to guarantee this happening
> is if I use a memory stick in the USB ports. Taking it out of the
> Windows machine following the Safe to Remove regime, which I always
> do, makes it virtually certain, (but not 100%) that the Linux machine
> will not respond. It just refuses to pick up the mouse/keyboard signal
> even though the screen changes as normal. Significantly, when this
> happens, pulling out either or both USB lines that come from the
> Switch2 does not cause any lights to go out and plugging them back in
> again also has no effect.
> Sorry this is a bit long and must be very confusing for you never
> having even seen the device but any help/suggestions your group can
> offer would be very welcome.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> He is using PCLinuxOS 2008.1. Anyone with any ideas? Any advice would be 
> most welcome.
> MikeR
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