[Klug-general] Linux Sound Programming

Graham Todd grahamtodd2 at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 16 16:13:28 UTC 2010

On Tue, 16 Mar 2010 11:27:25 +0000
Peter Childs <pchilds at bcs.org> uttered these words:

> I'm currently trying to write a small program that records, writes
> does what what it records and archives in into 15 minute time
> segments. (so MP3 or ogg encoding would be handy too) (This small
> program can be written in anything, it does not really need to link
> into the main Qt program....)

How about using Gramofile?


It was originally written to record whole sides of vinyl L.P.s, then
split them into tracks, and finally take all the pops, cracks, etc,
out of the finished recordings.  With later versions you can specify
length of recorded sound.

It is a command line program, so doesn't have a GUI as such, but it is
well-documented.  The file output is .wav, but this can easily be
converted to .mp3 or .ogg by small scripts:

To .mp3:

Put all your .wav files (that you want to convert) into a folder and
execute the following script from within this folder, make sure to make
this script executable (chmod 777 wav2mp3.sh)

# name of this script: wav2mp3.sh
# wav to mp3

for i in *.wav; do
 if [ -e "$i" ]; then
   file=`basename "$i" .wav`
   lame -h -b 192 "$i" "$file.mp3"


faad2 and lame

[this from

#Convert .wav to .ogg (quality 7/10 and 128kbps).

oggenc -b 128 -q 7 onefile.wav


normalize-ogg *.ogg

[this from http://snippets.dzone.com/posts/show/4008 ]

There is also a GNOME application, soundconverter, to convert audio
files to other formats and (what is presume to be) a KDE front end to
it called soundkonverter).

Graham Todd

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