[Klug-general] Ogg Camp - most of you have probably seen this but here it is anyway
Dan Attwood
danattwood at googlemail.com
Wed Mar 31 14:09:06 UTC 2010
OggCamp <http://oggcamp.org/> is a free software / free culture unconference
organised by the presenters of the Ubuntu UK
and Linux Outlaws <http://linuxoutlaws.com/>. This year's OggCamp will take
place at *The Black-E <http://theblack-e.co.uk/> in Liverpool, UK* on the *1st
and 2nd of May 2010*, *10am - 5pm (roughly) both days*. It'll be 2 full days
of Free Software, Free Culture and Free Thinking. We have a large venue
booked and expect 200-300 people. If you want a chance to meet others who
are passionate about technology and share ideas this is a great chance. We
have many top FOSS developers from around the world joining us.
If you want to get a feel for the event, have a look at our recap of OggCamp
2009 <http://oggcamp.org/2009/>.
*What is an Barcamp/unconference?*
More formal conferences have the usual people speaking every time; an
unconference is an opportunity to interact with new and interesting people.
There won't be a published list of speakers before the event, everyone
generates content on the day. That can include you! The schedule is decided
by the attendees and we'll have a voting system for that.
See what others are already proposing - http://ideas.oggcamp.org/talks
*What Is An Ogg?*
Ogg Vorbis <http://www.vorbis.com/> is a completely open, patent-free,
professional audio encoding and streaming technology with all the benefits
of Open Source. OggCamp is about technology, Open Source and Freedom, but
also about music, art, politics, community, creativity and much more. We
chose to use the term Ogg because for us it reflects all these things pretty
*Get Involved:
*Please add your own ideas for talks and activities to our public
wiki<http://ideas.oggcamp.org/> –
help make the event what you want it to be! It doesn't even have to be about
technology strictly, it could be anything. We have about 60 slots available
and all are welcome - ideas.oggcamp.org
You can also meet other attendees on IRC in *#oggcamp* on the Freenode
If you have a project you'd like to promote or exhibit about you can email
the organising team - oggcamp at ubuntu-uk.org
Come and join us, it's going to be a great weekend. There's travel
information and much more at* http://oggcamp.org* <http://oggcamp.org/>
Also See The Rathole Roadshow*
OggCamp 10 is preceded by a special free culture gig on* Friday April 30th
8pm* (the night before). It'll be at the Bad Format Social
Club<http://badformat.co.uk/> in
Liverpool. Kick off the weekend in style with live music from David
, Attila The Stockbroker <http://attilathestockbroker.com/> and Rathole
Radio <http://ratholeradio.org/> host (and Linux Outlaw) Dan
among other guests. Tickets are £5 in advance and can be bought from the
website <http://ratholeradio.org/gig> right now.
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