[Klug-general] Building a deb file

Ray Osmond rosmond at operamail.com
Mon Sep 27 17:27:42 UTC 2010

> ----- Original Message -----

> Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2010 14:50:27 +0100
> From: Peter Childs <pchilds at bcs.org>
> Subject: [Klug-general] Today's Meet
> To: Kent Linux User Group - General Topics <kent at mailman.lug.org.uk>
> Message-ID:
> 	<AANLkTikBZNwtY6dfvMmJE5ccSWa6B0E2x-1We34Yv_pN at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Even if there were only 7 of us at the KLUG meeting today, it was a
> good meeting, No talks but do we really need any when we can always
> talk and talk about any thing and any thing to do with computers.
> Subjects included.
> * Subversion vs Git what the best tool for version control.
> * why can't I type man dir in dos?
> * What are we going to do to keep our website up to date.
> * and how complicated can you make a security system in a college
> (swip cards on everything) and then just have everything swing open
> when the fire alarm goes off (including the server room and all the
> fire containment doors?) and still not know if everyone is actually
> out the building?
> Oh and while I'm here where do I find some beginners instructions to
> building a deb file (to install freepbx in ubuntu)
> Peter.

Ubuntu (and most other Debian distributions) should have a package called 'checkinstall'in their repositories.  Install this, then from the root folder of the source for your program do the usual './configure' (if necessary), followed by 'make'.  However do NOT use 'make install' (or 'sudo make install' on Ubuntu) use 'sudo checkinstall' instead.  Follow the prompts to give names, descriptions, version numbers, program group choice etc. and when you continue with the program checkinstall will make the required debian package, install it and also make a backup package for safety.  Your program can then be uninstalled simply using the package manager.

You can also use checkinstall to create Red Hat or Slackware packages. See this link for further information:


Ray Osmond

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