[Klug-general] Samba....

Peter Childs pchilds at bcs.org
Tue Apr 26 20:44:19 UTC 2011

On 26 April 2011 20:47, Peter Childs <pchilds at bcs.org> wrote:
> On 26 April 2011 20:34, Peter Childs <pchilds at bcs.org> wrote:
>> On 26 April 2011 19:36, nic dan <dungeons88 at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Try Slampp....its a liveCD server OS with Samba built-in, and is really easy
>>> to use/administer,...... even by windows users
>>> .....else a linux of your choice plus apache tomcat, or http fileserver,
>>> maybe....?
>>> http://tomcat.apache.org/download-60.cgi
>>> http://httpfileserver.sourceforge.net/
>> How does this solve the main one of my problems, ie provide a File
>> Server to a load of Windows Users,
>> I'm quite happy to believe that webdav can solve the root problem, but
>> as yet I've not yet met any clients that can talk webdav properly....
>> mount -t webdav http://server/path /media/mountpoint
>> maybe then I could just run a ftp server and do a
>> mount -t ftp ftp://server/path /media/mountpoint
>> as for doing it in windows.... I can't even map all my hard drives to
>> drive letters!
>> anyone?
> On second thoughts having just read wikiepdia, that might just work!
> Wikipedia almost goes as far as to say....
> so long as your using 2000 or XP or above it *should* just work!
> I think I need to start eating my hat.

Just checked, I most defiantly need to eat my hat!

all you need to do is enable davfs on apache2 and it just works, (you
also need to mess around with security, write access etc etc)

There is no reason why you can't run your file shares on the same
webdav server you have your subversion stuff on.......

under debian

apt-get install davfs2
sudo mount -t davfs /media/files

will mount a webdav share to your file system......

under windows

net use z:

neat trick for getting round ftp mirror sites!

I'm not sure its the solution to the problem I was trying to solve but
its a neat method of solving a slightly different problem.....

Good thing I'm not wearing a hat!

So I need to set up a file server, and then I can get it to reach the
same files via... ftp, http, smb, ssh, I spose I could even run a cron
job running svn commit once a day and keep version controlled history
of the lot!

The hard work is going to be setting up each of the services correctly
with a single user database......


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